About us

Clusters are considered to be an important part of innovation systems and an effective tool to increase competitiveness. Clusters are designed especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), although their influence can be global. Cluster activities are an important factor for  regional development, because they encourage specialization. Clusters have an impact on improving competitiveness and achieving higher performance through better access to specialized suppliers, technology, information, and higher innovation potential of cooperating companies. An important feature of clusters  is linking the activities of enterprises and R&D organizations.

The Safety & Security Technology cluster focuses primarily on activities in the field of research, development and innovation, marketing and promotion, strengthening the links between members and support activities leading to effective training and development of the cluster member staff.

The Cluster was founded in 2010 on the basis of suggestions made by the representatives of the industrial enterprises, universities, technology platforms and subjects active in the field of research and development in the Moravian-Silesian region.

Cluster members comprise industrial companies or small and medium-sized enterprises or individualities, as well as research institutions, universities, trade unions and associations or government authorities at any level.

The Mission of the cluster:

  • to develop safety and security technology research in the region, through a strong sectoral grouping of industrial enterprises, universities, scientific and research institutions, and other bodies of the private and public sectors, to ensure sustainable competitiveness
  • inter-connection of the requirements of the application sphere with the academic and scientific research environment
  • full use of local human and technical capacity to strengthen the image of the Moravian-Silesian region as  perspective region